Possible One Way System, Diamond Jubilee Way (in), Damson Way (out).
Residents have complained to us about the delays caused by the virtual single lane system between the new houses on Diamond Jubilee Way. This is not seen as the fault of the residents, who considerate in their parking on the left hand side of the road. There have been a number of near misses and we fear that it will only a matter of time before someone is involved in an accident or injured.
Initially the council maintained that it was excess builder’s traffic but as we suggested that was completely inaccurate as the traffic flow / congestion remains a constant problem. They also maintained the position that the planning application for the new houses allowed for plenty of parking at a reported 1.5 spaces per house – which on the situation we now find ourselves in would seem to be inadequate.
Now that the builder’s traffic has gone we can see the scale of the problem. We also know that there are 160+ daily vehicle movements to the nursery and increased parking as people are attracted to the new play area.
Cars coming towards Kenny Drive roundabout have dangerously appalling sightlines to Damson Way and to the roundabout as they are on the right hand side of the road. Whilst the installation of the play equipment is very welcome this has made this even situation worse.
Subject to the appropriate resident consultation we have suggested to the Council that we should have a one way system, as above. The Councillors, Moira Butt and Tim Crowley support us in this.
Drivers become exasperated and fail to give way reasonably and there have been numerous incidents of ‘road rage.’ Also parked vehicles are in danger of damage as traffic tries to squeeze through.
There is a Local Committee of the Council, attended by the Carshalton and Clockhouse councillors and any necessary Council officials which QMPRA attend on your behalf. This matter has been dragging on and we became insistent that it should be discussed at the last meeting in July, offering all assistance beforehand with the information we have collected and the views of the residents. We had some months earlier met with a Council Officer on site. Despite representations to the Chairman of the Local Committee the situation was still unresolved when we arrived, although an undertaking had been given that we would be kept informed. We had told him that if this was not an agenda item we would assert our right to speak from the floor.
We were surprised to find that there was to be a report from Highways. We had heard nothing of this. It was claimed that five visits had been made to site, and they appeared convinced that the problem would go away with the builder’s traffic and decided not to take any action. We were annoyed and spoke heatedly from the floor but the Chair accepted the report. We followed the Highways representative from the meeting and complained at what we saw as an ill informed and convenient decision.
As always the Council claimed lack of finance for the road signs needed and the process. As our council is always very strong on democracy and consultation but had seen fit to decide without that process it seemed a flawed and hypocritical argument!
After a heated discussion Highways agreed to attend a meeting on site with QMPRA and a councillor in late September to hear the arguments for the one way system. This meeting is to be organised shortly and when we have more information we will update you all.
We understand that it will cause some inconvenience to some residents who have to drive a bit further but consider that we have an accident waiting to happen or an altercation that could get out of hand.
We encourage residents to email councillors so that they can bring more pressure to bear on Council officials.
There is a direct link to all Carshalton and Clockhouse Councillors on the QMPRA website and please feel free to copy any correspondence to the association using the Contact Us page so we are aware of everyone’s views.