Home of the Queen Mary's Park Residents & Park Friends Associations

Parking / Traffic Congestion !

QMPRA has had many complaints from residents about access to Orchard Hill (that’s all the earlier development and the Bovis and Bellway builds) since the school and the new houses were built. We took this to London Borough of Sutton (LBS) and requested action, suggesting the possibility of a one way system.
LBS responded by carrying out a survey. The report to the council rejected the one way system on the grounds of suitability and cost. However it did acknowledge that there was a problem and tabled a suggestion for some parking restriction. The cost of this was approved by the Council at a meeting in January, subject to consultation with residents.
We are advised by the Highways Department that an advertisement will be placed in local papers in April and those people who are affected will be personally contacted, we expect by a leaflet delivery.
Once the consultation is complete , and assuming there are no problems or objections, it is expected that the scheme will be completed by end – July.
We have made our views clear to the council. This parking problem is the result of planning  permission for building proposals that provided too many units with too little parking; this was pointed out by QMPRA at the time. While the proposed restrictions may be necessary it seems unfair to those people who will be affected by restrictions on parking outside their property.
We hope this will improve the situation. However we are seeing more parking on the Kings Avenue side of the school roundabout, which causes congestion; we have an open line to the council so please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
Below is the proposed areas that will have parking restrictions enforced.

Stanley Park High School Open Evening (15 Sept 15) – expect traffic congestion !!

Heads up from the school to say that their open evening this year is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 15th September.

The school have booked Bridgewater Security to assist with traffic management on the evening but we will be following the one way system as previous years to try and minimise the impact for us all.

Unloved and possibly abandoned Mondeo ?

Does anyone have any idea who might be the owner for NH05 ENL which has sat apparently unmoved for many weeks. If so can you let us know using the contact us form as it is causing a potential hazard particularly so near the crossing.


Update from Mon 23rd Mar 2015

Following the small accident at least in part due to this car (and a degree of driver impatience), this car has now been reported to Sutton Council under their abandoned vehicles process. We have had confirmed from local Police that as far as the DVLA are concerned it is not registered locally and possibly is abandoned.

Hopefully be removed over the next few weeks.




Stanley Park Road Closure (Tue 17th thru Fri 20th Feb 2015)

We’ve been advised that Stanley Park Road will be closed by the junction of Warnham Court Road until probably the end of the week.

Thames Water initially were investigating the sewer collapse but it seems the sewer runs into the middle of the road and now need more extensive dig works to rectify.

Diversions are in place along Boundary Rd – Ruskin Road – (Carshalton Park Rd) – Beynon Rd – Park Hill – Beeches Ave as a diversion route.

The 154 will have to go straight on east and west at the Windsor Castle.

Thankfully its half-term so hopefully the traffic won’t be too dreadful !

November News Update

The London Borough of Sutton holds four meetings a year with ward resident associations to put forward proposals, explain current issues and, at the end of the discussion, the ward councillors present vote to accept or reject the recommendations put before them by Council officers. We are in the Carshalton and Clockhouse Ward.

In no particular order of importance the following emerged:

Banstead Road Yulefest (Friday 4th December)

There is to be a Banstead Road Yulefest on Friday 4th December from 4 to 8 pm. Looks like fun, look out for more publicity and we’ll update the website with more details as we get them.


Traffic Survey – at last !

A sum of £2000 was voted to undertake a survey of traffic flow and safety on Orchard Hill, with QMPRA to be actively involved. More on this as it progresses. Any views on solutions, such as a one way system on Damson Way and Diamond Jubilee Way  between the school and Kenny drive roundabouts, please use the contact us form on the website.

Carol Singing – Any volunteers ?

It is hoped to arrange carol singing on the new play area with a mix of pupils from Stanley Park High School and residents. Please watch the website for more information and if you are interested please let us know on the contact us page.

Council Budget Update

The efforts to save £40 million from the London Borough of Sutton annual budget are still under discussion. This is a government imposed cut and means the Council will have to almost halve expenditure from 5 years ago. You will have seen the publicity about theatres and garden waste collection, but these are only scratching the service. The problem cannot be resolved by increasing Council Tax – in order to finance the shortfall CT would have to increase by 80%, which is obviously not feasible, and anyway the government will only allow an increase of about 2% per annum. If you want to make suggestions or voice an opinion go to the LBS website at http://www.suttonsfuture.org

CCTV Parking ‘Smart’ Cars !

The CCTV cars which have given many of us penalty tickets are still operational. There is legislation before Parliament to outlaw them but this has not yet been passed.

Mental Health Facilities

There was a presentation on Mental Health facilities. It was emphasised that most care is now in the community and a chilling statistic was given that in our lifetimes I in 4 of us would have some sort of mental health problem. The plans under consideration will mean the number of Mental Health inpatient facilities, shared by six councils, will reduce from three to two. Springfield will be modernised and reduced in size, with a sell off of a lot of land, the other is Tolworth.

That’s all for this update, more to come later on the road use survey and Christmas Events




Friends of Queen Mary’s Park AGM Minutes (Oct 2014)

Dear Friends,
Please see below the minutes of our AGM held on 28th October 2014.

I hope that you will find them interesting although nothing very eventful has happened this summer – which is the way we like it !

There is information about bulb-planting and a Yule Fest and Frost Fair locally, as that season is rapidly approaching…….don’t forget the park is a good place to walk off all those mince pies !!

Thank you as always to those park-users and local residents who respect the area and leave it clean and pleasant for everyone.


Anne Jameson
Secretary of FofQMP

P.S. The Friends of Oaks Park AGM is on Saturday 15th November 2014 at 2.30pm in the upstairs meeting room at Wallington Library.
