Home of the Queen Mary's Park Residents & Park Friends Associations

Tuesday 1st October – 5:30pm to 8:30pm

If you are coming home / trying to go out around these times, this will effect you !

We are all very aware of the problems with parking but it is subject of on-going conversations with the school and council as we believe we are all concerned it is probably only a matter of time before someone is involved in an accident.

Following consultations please find attached details from the school on a temporary one way system which will at least go some way to help us keep moving on Tuesday evening.





Tattoo Parlour Planning Application – Update

Planning Application 13_00666_SPECTF – Shutes Tattoos – Decision Reps 130925

Just to formally confirm that despite the fairly clear opposition from the residents on this planning permission, the council planner have granted an initial 12 month licence as can be seen from the attached PDF copy.

What I have been told is that there be any issues as a result of this license then we should immediately feed this back to the council for consideration – let us hope not !



Clockhouse Community Association Charity Quiz – Sat 21st Sept

Reaching out to:
  • Carshalton Beeches Residents Associations
  • Carshalton Fields Residents Association
  • Diamond Riding School
  • Friends of Oaks Park
  • Friends of Queens Mary’s Park
  • Friends of the Elderly
  • Oaks Way Day Centre
  • Queen Elizabeth’s Mobility Centre
  • Queen Mary’s Residents Association
  • Woodcote Grove
to join with Clockhouse Residents Association as I think if we can all come together at an event we can work well together locally, hope you feel the same way.
Look forward to receiving your applications.
Thank you so much for your help.

Cllr Moira Butt

Clockhouse Community Association Quiz Night Sat 21st Sept 2013

I/We will attend the Quiz and enclose a cheque for £ ________ @ £10 per person (please note that tickets will not be issued) or


I/We am/are unable to attend but enclose a cheque for £ _____ towards the financial success of the event or a raffle prize


Tickets Available from Cllr Moira Butt c/o Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA cheques payable to Clockhouse Community AssociationClockhouse Quiz Night flyer v1

Application for Tattoo Parlour – Resident Association Survey Results

Planning Application for Change of use to Tattoo Parlour – Stanley Park Road / Stanley Road

To: Licensing Manager <licensing@sutton.gov.uk>

Cc: Moira Butt <moira.butt@sutton.gov.uk>, Peter Fosdike <peter.fosdike@sutton.gov.uk>, Peter Fosdike

<cllr.peter@fosdike.org>, Tim Crowley <timcrowley@blueyonder.co.uk>, info@tombrake.co.uk


Dear Sirs,

Following our earlier communication I can confirm that the survey of our Residents Association – representing the 274 households across the streets of Burns Avenue, Damson Way, Diamond Jubilee Way, Forelle Way, Fountain Drive, Kenny Drive, Lawson Walk & Roman Way was responded to as follows.

We received a total of 72 responses from both our website (www.queenmaryspark.com) and in person with the paper questionnaire that was distributed to all households. We would normally have expected a larger response but combined with a short turnaround and holiday season it seems this may have affected our responses.

In total as you can see from the attached graphic 68 households were against the proposed, 3 in favour and 1 was neutral – in other words just over 94% of the response were against the proposed change of use.

What is of concern in that it would seem that the incoming owners have already started setting up operations before their license has been approved (please see attached photo taken earlier) – can you please let the Association know what is the status of this ?

Any queries please do not hesitate to drop me an email or call me on the number as below.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Brumwell

Chairman – Queen Mary’s Park Residents Association


Votes on the Tattoo Parlour - Aug 2013 20130818_213623


Tattoo Parlour Planning Application

Planning Application – C2013_67953

We have been approached by the local planners / councillors with regards to a proposed tattoo parlour on the corner of Stanley Road and Stanley Park Road. We understand that it is proposed to go into the site formerly occupied by the childrens hair salon.

A map of the site is to be found at http://goo.gl/maps/0NlqL 

Over the next few days please can you respond to the letter dropped through your letterbox to state whether you are in favour or not of this development going forward – copy of the letter in PDF format is here (Tattoo Parlour – QMP Opinion – 12th Aug 2013)

Recycle Bin Overflow and Fly tipping

We are working with London Borough of Sutton to solve the problem of the recycle bin and fly tipping on the piece of land opposite Forelle Way (the new road near the Kenny Drive roundabout.)

LBS are clearing the site as soon as we report a build-up and investigating the removal of that bin. Please do keep us posted if you find any other unwelcome deposits around the neighbourhood

Road Congestion from Stanley Park High events

There have been concerns expressed over the grid lock state that can occur when the school has a major event (such as an open evening).

The school will put together a diary of such dates and we are working with one of the Local Councillors and the Head of the Stanley Park governors  to come up with a solution to keep the traffic flowing as over the last two occasions there would have been great difficulty for emergency service vehicles to access let alone the inconvenience to us all.