Home of the Queen Mary's Park Residents & Park Friends Associations

Friends of Queen Mary’s Park AGM Minutes (Oct 2014)

Dear Friends,
Please see below the minutes of our AGM held on 28th October 2014.

I hope that you will find them interesting although nothing very eventful has happened this summer – which is the way we like it !

There is information about bulb-planting and a Yule Fest and Frost Fair locally, as that season is rapidly approaching…….don’t forget the park is a good place to walk off all those mince pies !!

Thank you as always to those park-users and local residents who respect the area and leave it clean and pleasant for everyone.


Anne Jameson
Secretary of FofQMP

P.S. The Friends of Oaks Park AGM is on Saturday 15th November 2014 at 2.30pm in the upstairs meeting room at Wallington Library.


Friends of Queen Mary’s Park – Committee Meeting Minutes (Jul 14)

Dear Friends,

Please see attached our meeting minutes.

If you have any further topics or comments, please let me know.

I hope you’re getting the opportunity to enjoy the park, especially the summer meadow before it goes over.

Thank you to all who care for the area, and don’t hesitate to report any problems to the Council, the Safer Parks Team, or the Friends Group.

Enjoy the good weather and the summer holidays,


Anne Jameson

Secretary of the Friends of QMP

Friends of Queen Mary’s Park – Committee Meeting Minutes (Mar 14)

Minutes of committee meeting held at The Diamond Centre (DC) – 25th March 2014

Present: Cllr Moira Butt (chaired meeting), Steve Axon (Chairman of the Diamond Centre), David Aylett, Sue Halliday, Carl Brown, Robert Houlihan, Susan Kenworthy, Anne Jameson (Secretary/minutes).

Apologies: Marilynne Burbage, Richard Brumwell, Roy Budgett, Ray Liffen

25th March 2014 committee meeting minutes

Friends of Queen Mary’s Park – Committee Meeting AGM Agenda (Oct 13)

Dear Friends,

Please see attached agenda for our AGM this Tuesday 8th October 2013 at 7.30pm in the Diamond centre meeting room, Woodmansterne Road.

It would be great to see some new faces – light refreshments will be served,

Best regards,

Anne Jameson – Secretary of QMP


PS    I will hopefully be taking delivery of 1000 daffodil bulbs from the Parks Dept this week, so will let you know the date decided at the AGM to meet in the park armed with spades and forks to attempt to plant them all.   Your help will be greatly appreciated for this mammoth task!!!   It will probably be a Saturday morning around 10am.





FoQMP – AGM agenda 8th October 2013