Home of the Queen Mary's Park Residents & Park Friends Associations

Green Belt Re-designation Consultation

Following the recent consultation request regarding the status of the green belt around where we live we have engaged with Campaign to Protect Rural England and a copy of their email and formal response to Sutton council over the proposals to potentially redefine areas of green belt to allow development.






























































































































































Parking Restrictions Proposal – Apr 2015 update

Further to our update from the council back in mid-March there is now the following Traffic Management Order in the planning stage and commentary is welcome from residents.

If you have any views you wish to share with the council please do let us have a copy of them using the Contact Us page as it would be useful to have a complete set of feedback around these proposals.

2015_04_24Plan-Damson-Way-Diamond-Jubilee-WayRR 2015_04_24Plan-Diamond-Jubilee-Way-junction-with-East-DriveRR 2015_04_24Public-Notice-of-Proposal-WL1001RR

Draft Trafic Management Order WL1001

Parking / Traffic Congestion !

QMPRA has had many complaints from residents about access to Orchard Hill (that’s all the earlier development and the Bovis and Bellway builds) since the school and the new houses were built. We took this to London Borough of Sutton (LBS) and requested action, suggesting the possibility of a one way system.
LBS responded by carrying out a survey. The report to the council rejected the one way system on the grounds of suitability and cost. However it did acknowledge that there was a problem and tabled a suggestion for some parking restriction. The cost of this was approved by the Council at a meeting in January, subject to consultation with residents.
We are advised by the Highways Department that an advertisement will be placed in local papers in April and those people who are affected will be personally contacted, we expect by a leaflet delivery.
Once the consultation is complete , and assuming there are no problems or objections, it is expected that the scheme will be completed by end – July.
We have made our views clear to the council. This parking problem is the result of planning  permission for building proposals that provided too many units with too little parking; this was pointed out by QMPRA at the time. While the proposed restrictions may be necessary it seems unfair to those people who will be affected by restrictions on parking outside their property.
We hope this will improve the situation. However we are seeing more parking on the Kings Avenue side of the school roundabout, which causes congestion; we have an open line to the council so please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
Below is the proposed areas that will have parking restrictions enforced.

Tattoo Parlour Planning Application – Update

Planning Application 13_00666_SPECTF – Shutes Tattoos – Decision Reps 130925

Just to formally confirm that despite the fairly clear opposition from the residents on this planning permission, the council planner have granted an initial 12 month licence as can be seen from the attached PDF copy.

What I have been told is that there be any issues as a result of this license then we should immediately feed this back to the council for consideration – let us hope not !



Application for Tattoo Parlour – Resident Association Survey Results

Planning Application for Change of use to Tattoo Parlour – Stanley Park Road / Stanley Road

To: Licensing Manager <licensing@sutton.gov.uk>

Cc: Moira Butt <moira.butt@sutton.gov.uk>, Peter Fosdike <peter.fosdike@sutton.gov.uk>, Peter Fosdike

<cllr.peter@fosdike.org>, Tim Crowley <timcrowley@blueyonder.co.uk>, info@tombrake.co.uk


Dear Sirs,

Following our earlier communication I can confirm that the survey of our Residents Association – representing the 274 households across the streets of Burns Avenue, Damson Way, Diamond Jubilee Way, Forelle Way, Fountain Drive, Kenny Drive, Lawson Walk & Roman Way was responded to as follows.

We received a total of 72 responses from both our website (www.queenmaryspark.com) and in person with the paper questionnaire that was distributed to all households. We would normally have expected a larger response but combined with a short turnaround and holiday season it seems this may have affected our responses.

In total as you can see from the attached graphic 68 households were against the proposed, 3 in favour and 1 was neutral – in other words just over 94% of the response were against the proposed change of use.

What is of concern in that it would seem that the incoming owners have already started setting up operations before their license has been approved (please see attached photo taken earlier) – can you please let the Association know what is the status of this ?

Any queries please do not hesitate to drop me an email or call me on the number as below.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Brumwell

Chairman – Queen Mary’s Park Residents Association


Votes on the Tattoo Parlour - Aug 2013 20130818_213623


Tattoo Parlour Planning Application

Planning Application – C2013_67953

We have been approached by the local planners / councillors with regards to a proposed tattoo parlour on the corner of Stanley Road and Stanley Park Road. We understand that it is proposed to go into the site formerly occupied by the childrens hair salon.

A map of the site is to be found at http://goo.gl/maps/0NlqL 

Over the next few days please can you respond to the letter dropped through your letterbox to state whether you are in favour or not of this development going forward – copy of the letter in PDF format is here (Tattoo Parlour – QMP Opinion – 12th Aug 2013)

Road Signage

There has been a degree of confusion as to where Diamond Jubilee Way and Fountain Drive start and end as we have had reports of couriers / deliveries being mis-delivered.

We have requested the Council erects street signs as soon as possible if the developers are not already down to complete this