Planning Application for Change of use to Tattoo Parlour – Stanley Park Road / Stanley Road
To: Licensing Manager <>
Cc: Moira Butt <>, Peter Fosdike <>, Peter Fosdike
<>, Tim Crowley <>,
Dear Sirs,
Following our earlier communication I can confirm that the survey of our Residents Association – representing the 274 households across the streets of Burns Avenue, Damson Way, Diamond Jubilee Way, Forelle Way, Fountain Drive, Kenny Drive, Lawson Walk & Roman Way was responded to as follows.
We received a total of 72 responses from both our website ( and in person with the paper questionnaire that was distributed to all households. We would normally have expected a larger response but combined with a short turnaround and holiday season it seems this may have affected our responses.
In total as you can see from the attached graphic 68 households were against the proposed, 3 in favour and 1 was neutral – in other words just over 94% of the response were against the proposed change of use.
What is of concern in that it would seem that the incoming owners have already started setting up operations before their license has been approved (please see attached photo taken earlier) – can you please let the Association know what is the status of this ?
Any queries please do not hesitate to drop me an email or call me on the number as below.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Brumwell
Chairman – Queen Mary’s Park Residents Association